Welcome to https://www.hkrn.in/
We are an independent website dedicated to sharing information about government job, schemes and services in a simplified manner. This is not the official website of HKRNL (Haryana Kaushal Rojgar Nigam Limited), and we do not claim to be a government website.
The information provided here is intended to simplify and share details about government jobs and services for the convenience of users. Our sole purpose in creating this website is to provide accurate and easy-to-understand information about government jobs, schemes, and services, enabling people to claim their rights and access government benefits.
Visiting this website is completely safe and free of cost, and we do not charge any fee from our users. Our goal is to offer accurate and accessible information to help users better understand government schemes and opportunities.
Please note that we are an independent platform and are not affiliated with any government body.
We make every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information; however, there may be occasional errors or inaccuracies. For the most reliable and official details, please refer to the official website: https://hkrnl.itiharyana.gov.in/